How to Prevent The Under Exposure Photos

Some of the things that must be observed to prevent the Under Exposure:
1. Use the highest ISO in the less light conditions (low light) or moving an object (photo sport / action) so that objects can be light enough. Weaknesses with the use of high ISO, especially on this small camera have sensor, the increase in noise (in the analog camera / film, grainy), due to the increased sensitivity of the sensor light to the way the amplifier gain sensornya. But this noise level (generally consumer digicam max ISO 400), we can still be printed to the size of a small (3-4R), if you are "allergic" to the noise / grainy, avoid ISO 400, please use ISO 200 max.
2. using flash with the low-speed (slow synch flash) so that the object and background will get a good light. This is especially for night shoot / scene, where a dark background will be enough light (bright), merely to keep in mind even though the flash, because the speed is low, try to keep the camera and the subject of the photos remain Steady (recommended to use a tripod / alternative) . Other advantages, the lower speednya, more and more natural color light native recorded.
3. Use the (+) EV (Exposure Compensation) for "Brightness" results of our image. The advantage in this way, are: increasing the brightness and the noise does not increase, because of how it works is to decrease the speed limit up "safe", where the speed is still high enough for the handheld (with a hand held camera), when this was still not enough, then setting the aperture into enlarged; related to how it works, we must consider the consequences, among others:
* The greater the value of (+) its EV, the lower speed, this is not suitable for the "freeze" movement of objects, better suited for still images.
* If the aperturenya enlarged, the DoF (Depth of Field) that will short, but this is rare, especially considering the pocket digital camera has a DoF "very" long, except for the image macro.
* Due to the brightness of this we deliberately "add", then to avoid the use of the images in the distance near / close-up (1 m or less), to avoid over Exposure; more useful for photo coverage of the near flashnya max, so do not under - Exposure results .

The question now, How much value (+) its EV (Exposure value) is needed? depending on how bright the image that we want, lighting conditions in the location shooting, and do not forget to adjust the ISO setting that we use to do the first experiment to determine the value.

Generally, the value of +2 / 3 - 1 (+0.7 - 1.0) at ISO 100-200 is enough, on the condition that requires a certain level of high brightness, may be new enough at ISO 400 (eg: group photo I had done in the max flash range). For the auto ISO setting, note its ISO range, generally between 100-200, 100-400, 50-150, depending on the brand / type of camera (even though the camera tends to choose the lowest ISO generally).


Anonymous said...

Nice Posting bro..

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